Just for Today

Just for Today

I’ve been reading a little book that I found in India called Be Your Own Doctor Using Reiki by Dr. Dhiren Gala, and want to share this gem with you.

Reiki is an ancient form of spiritual healing that  recognizes that the body cannot be healed without also healing mind and spirit. Thus, five Buddhist principles are included in Reiki practice, explained here by Dr. Mikao Usui, the father of modern Reiki:


Each day is a lifetime in miniature!

To awaken each morning is to be born again,
To fall asleep at night is to die to the day.

In between waking and sleeping are the golden hours of the day.

What we think we cannot do for a lifetime,we can do for a day.

Anyone can strive to be happy for a day
and to spread happiness around.

Anyone can rise above fear for a day
and meet each situation with courage.

Anyone can hold his temper for a day
and guard the words he speaks.

Anyone can remain honest for a day
and carry his burden heroically.

Anyone can count his blessings for a day
deciding not to look at half-empty but at half-filled glass.

Anyone can eschew hate and cruelty for a day
deciding to live and let live.

Live a day at a time and remember
that tomorrow is another today!



The Five Principles

Just for today I will not worry.

Just for today I will not get angry.

Just for today I will be honest.

Just for today I will count my blessings.

Just for today I will give love and show respect to every living being.



So simple. So powerful. What we think we cannot do for a lifetime, we can do for a day.  

I can do these things, just for today. How ’bout you?


About Eileen Barker

EILEEN BARKER has been writing and speaking on forgiveness, and guiding people who need to either forgive themselves or someone else, for many years. A practicing litigation lawyer who rejected the traditional adversarial role, Eileen has focused her practice on mediation, helping thousands of people resolve disputes outside of court. This work led her into a deep exploration of forgiveness as it relates to resolving conflict and making peace, both with others and oneself.

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