Humanity Rising September 2024

Forgiveness In Action

Transforming Ourselves and Our World

September 30 – October 4, 2025

Moderator: Tom Eddington*

Convener: Jim Garrison, President Ubiquity University

This was a week-long exploration of forgiveness, hosted by Humanity Rising and Ubiquity University. From personal healing to societal transformation, our esteemed speakers will guide you through the profound impact of forgiveness.  Click on the program title, to access the replay for each day.

The Power of Forgiveness


Dr. Fred Luskin, forgiveness pioneer, founder of the Stanford Forgiveness Project and author of best-selling book Forgive for Good, shares his groundbreaking research on forgiveness, how forgiveness is tied to gratitude and happiness and why it is imperative that we embrace forgiveness now.


Eileen Barker, an attorney/mediator and author of The Forgiveness Workbook and her upcoming book Healing Conflict, talks about how she became a forgiveness teacher and how she uses forgiveness to help people resolve legal disputes and heal conflict with others and themselves.

Forgiveness and Neuroscience


Loren Toussaint, an expert on the psychological and physical benefits of forgiveness, discusses emerging research demonstrating how forgiveness influences well-being and neurological factors that impact the ability to forgive. Dr. Toussaint is a professor of psychology at Luther College in Decorah, Iowa. He is chair of the Discover Forgiveness Advisory Council for the Templeton World Charity Foundation,

Marco Iacoboni, MD PhD, studied medicine, neurology, and neuroscience at the  University La Sapienza in Rome, Italy. He is Director of the Neuromodulation Lab at the Ahmanson-Lovelace Brain Mapping Center,  Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences at UCLA, member of the Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior, and member of the Brain  Research Institute.

Forgiveness:  Bridging the Divisions of Our Time


Dr. Kenneth Cloke offers deep insights into the transformative power of forgiveness and how forgiveness can address and heal societal divisions. Dr. Cloke is an internationally acclaimed mediator, teacher and author of numerous book including Mediating Dangerously and The Magic of Mediation.


Marquita Campbell, MDR is a certified forgiveness coach, mediator, facilitator and conflict resolution coach. She holds a Master of Dispute Resolution from Pepperdine School of Law, Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution and is the founder of Chrysalis Conflict Transformation. Marquita has presented on Forgiveness and Dignity at numerous workshops, conferences and summits.

Forgiveness and Healing in Law

Kim Wright, a central figure in the Integrative Law Movement and author/editor of three books published by the American Bar Association (Lawyers as Changemakers, Lawyers as Peacemakers, and Trauma Informed Law), discusses the integration of forgiveness and healing in the legal field and highlights transformative approaches to law that incorporate forgiveness.


Forgiveness in Action


Olivier Clerc, an international lecturer, workshop-leader and author, shares insights on forgiveness and healing. He reveals the power of asking to be forgiven, the subject of The Gift of Forgiveness and Healing the Wounds of the Heart, and the basis of his Circles of Forgiveness which are being held in over 250 places worldwide.


Marina Cantacuzino is an author, broadcaster, podcaster and peace activist.  In 2004, after working for 15 years as a journalist, and in response to the invasion of Iraq, she founded The Forgiveness Project, a UK-based charity that works with personal narratives in order to help people break cycles of harm and create a more compassionate world.


Tom Eddington is an author, Executive Coach, Business Advisor, and Executive Producer of documentary films. As a scholar of Conscious Leadership, he is passionate about bringing more conscious leadership into the world which he does through his coaching and advisory work, film and media projects and Board positions. As CEO of he brings his commitment and experience to impacting climate change and biodiversity loss. He holds an M.S. in Organization Dynamics from the University of Pennsylvania.